1550 Larimer Street #677, Denver, CO 80202

About Our Team at Comply Secured

Comply Secured has a knowledgeable, dedicated, and well-versed team that ensures that the necessary information is accurately captured and correctly reported, which is crucial for compliance with regulatory requirements. Comply Secured leverages cutting-edge technology and innovative processes to streamline data management and reporting tasks, significantly reducing the risk of errors and omissions. This approach enhances efficiency and strengthens the trust and reliability that clients place in their compliance strategies.

Our Regulatory Compliance Specialists

The team at Comply Secured consists of three compliance specialists with years of experience in various business trades, from individual and business tax preparations, finance, and compliance to business management.

Beknazar Arapov

Beknazar Arapov is the driving force behind our financial expertise at Comply Secured. Armed with an MBA in Finance, Beknazar brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in individual and business tax preparations. His dedication to financial excellence extends to his role as a financial analyst on Wall Street, where he provides unique insights into the intricacies of the financial world.

Sofya Mayorenko

Sofya Mayorenko is an accomplished professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in finance and compliance. With an MBA in finance and a FINRA license, she possesses a strong foundation in financial management, the compliance industry, and strategic decision-making. With her strong academic background, extensive experience in the compliance field, and dedication to excellence, Sofya Mayorenko is poised to make a lasting impact.

Cesar Flores

Cesar Flores is a highly experienced business management professional with a successful career spanning several decades. Throughout his career, he has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in building and managing various businesses. He also possesses a keen eye for identifying areas of improvement and developing innovative solutions to enhance operational performance.